Expertise and
Technical Assistance

"Pinheiro Almeida Consultoria, Perícia e Assistência Técnica Judicial” (Sigma Consultoria) was founded in 2003 by engineer Mauricio Almeida, with more than 45 years of professional experience in Consulting and Judicial Expertise services in the Maritime sector, the Naval Industry, the Nuclear area and the Oil & Gas sector.


Serve the customer with efficiency and transparency, focusing on client business and optimization processes...


Excellence in service and service delivery; Constant training to improve capacity and knowledge...


Be a reference in Brazil in Expertise and Technical Assistance in the industrial and operational...

Sigma Consultoria is now Pinheiro Almeida - Expertise and Technical Assistance

Come and learn a little about the evolution of our identity, we have a team of experienced professionals and we are ready to assist you in several areas of the field of expertise and judicial technical assistance.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Come and meet us now.

Board of Directors

Mauricio Almeida

Mauricio Almeida, engineer with 45 years of professional experience, Judicial Expert of TJRJ, TFRJ, TJSP and Maritime Court.

Executive Director

Patrícia Almeida

Lawyer specialized in Civil Procedure and with extensive experience in Maritime Law

Legal Manager